Font of choice.
Drop Shadow 2,3,55,12 Black.
Xero Filters: Radience and Clarity.
My eraser brush settings: Default standard round brush:
Size: 50; Hardness: 50; Step: 20; Density: 100; Rotation: 0; Opacity: 25 or 30.
Don’t forget to sharpen or use the unsharp feature when re-sizing/rotating your elements/tube.
Except where noted I am working from back to front for my layering.
I am using PSP x2. Some of the effects may not be available in earlier versions.
Open blank canvas 600 x 600 px, floodfill white.
Open mask and tube and minimise for now.
Open paper 2, copy/paste into canvas, apply the mask. Duplicate and merge down.
Open Frame 3, copy/paste into canvas, re-size 70% then Image/Free Rotate left 10. Position top left.
Open paper 3, copy/paste into canvas, re-size 50% then Image/Free Rotate left 10.
Position behind the frame, using your Eraser tool remove the excess paper around the frame to leave a background.
Open tube, copy/paste into canvas, duplicate and close off the original for now.
Re-size to suit (I used the full size tube and mirrored it) and position behind the frame to suit.
On your background layer, Selections/Select All/Float/Defloat/Invert and on your tube layer.… delete. Deselect.
Change blend mode to Multiply and apply the Xero filter Radience at default setting.
Reduce opacity to around 40% or whatever suits your tube.
Drop shadow the frame.
Open Silk Screen element, copy/paste into canvas, re-size 40%.
Position centre bottom, drop shadow.
Open Whispering Gong element, copy/paste into canvas, re-size 40%.
Position bottom left, drop shadow.
Open up the original tube layer and position right side, re-size to suit (I used 70% with my tube),
apply Xero Clarity at default settings and drop shadow.
Time to add some more elements, see completed tag above for placement.
I used the following:
Bird, copy/paste into canvas, re-size 30%. Mirror and drop shadow
Flower 3, copy/paste into canvas, re-size 55%. Image/Flip and Image/Free rotate,
Right 45. Duplicate and move back towards the right. Drop shadow both copies.
I then merged these down and erased a few of the flowers off the tube.
Flower 1, copy/paste into canvas, re-size 40%. Duplicate, Re-size 75% and move back
towards the right. Drop shadow both copies.
Flower 4, copy/paste into canvas, re-size 40%. Image/Free rotate,
Left 90. Drop shadow and move below flower 1 in the layers palette. Drop shadow.
Hair sticks, copy/paste into canvas, re-size 40%, drop shadow.
Stick, copy/paste into canvas, re-size 50%, drop shadow.
Move below flower 1 copy in the layers palette.
Flower scatter, copy/paste into canvas, re-size 40%.
Image/Mirror and move back to the left. Drop shadow.
Leaf scatter, copy/paste into canvas, re-size 50%.
Duplicate and move up. Drop shadow both copies.
Check on how it looks and make any final adjustments, add copyright and
licence information then close off white background layer and add names as required.
I used font Last Ninja with a drop shadow of 2, 2, 55, 4.
Export as png on transparent background.
Thanks for trying this tutorial out.