This tutorial was written by Bhamman on 18th September 2019, and assumes a working knowledge of PSP.
Any similarity to other works is unintentional and purely coincidental.
I only offer this tutorial as a guide, express your individuality by using your creative self.
Autumn Morn
Supplies needed:
Tube of choice - I am using Danielle by VeryMany Here
Do not use this artwork without a licence.
Scrapkit - FTU Autumn Breeze by Molemina Scrap Here
If the link doesn't work, the scrap was posted on 07/28/2012
Look to the right side of the page under Blog Archive.
This is an enormous size kit of over 300Mb in 3 parts but the resolution and quality of items is outstanding. Please use an alternative if you don’t already have this one.
Mask of your choice.
(I used Mask 98 by Scrappy Bits Of Fun [Simone]) Here
Font of choice.
Drop Shadow 2,3,55,12 Black.
Xero Filters: Radiance.
My eraser brush settings: Default standard round brush:
Size: 50; Hardness: 50; Step: 20; Density: 100; Rotation: 0; Opacity: 25 or 30.
Don’t forget to sharpen or use the unsharp feature when re-sizing/rotating your elements/tube.
Except where noted I am working from back to front for my layering.
I am using PSP x2. Some of the effects may not be available in earlier versions.
Open blank canvas 600 x 600 px, floodfill white.
Open mask and tubes and minimise for now.
Open paper 1, copy/paste into canvas, resize 17%. Apply mask.
Duplicate and merge down.
Open the cluster with the writing on it, copy/paste into canvas, resize 20%.
Position left. Drop shadow.
Open ele 95 copy/paste into canvas, re-size 15%, position left and drop shadow.
(For final positioning I linked these next 4 items together which makes things easier)
Open ele 92 copy/paste into canvas, re-size 10%, position top right, Image/Free Rotate right 20,
Effects/Inner Bevel to your choice.
Open paper 9, copy/paste into canvas, resize 10%. Position behind frame in your layers palette,
erase/crop away excess to make a background.
Open your tube, duplicate and close off the original for now. Position between your frame and background paper and re-size down to nearly fill the frame opening with the head only.
(I mirrored and used 75% with my tube)
Delete the excess tube and duplicate. Change the blend mode on the bottom copy to Luminance (L), lower the opacity to around 60%. On the top copy apply the Xero filter Radiance at default settings and lower the opacity to around 55%.
Apply the drop shadow to the frame.
Open ele 64, copy/paste into canvas, resize 25%, position as my tag above.
Drop shadow.
Open ele 98, copy/paste into canvas, resize 25%, Image/Free Rotate left 20
position as my tag above.
Open tube original up, copy/paste into canvas, re-size to suit (I used 45% with my tube)
and position to the left side of the canvas. Drop shadow.
Time to add some more elements, see completed tag above for placement.
I used the following:
Ele 68 copy/paste into canvas, re-size 5%. Drop shadow.
Ele 1 copy/paste into canvas, re-size 10%. Drop shadow
Ele 40 copy/paste into canvas, re-size 8%. Drop shadow.
Ele 104 copy/paste into canvas, re-size 40%. Drop shadow.
Ele 37 copy/paste into canvas, re-size 7%. Duplicate, Image/Free Rotate right 40, move under the other copy in the layers palette and drop shadow both.
Ele 35 copy/paste into canvas, re-size 10%. Image/Free Rotate right 20,
position as tag, delete a portion of the stem. Drop shadow.
Add any other elements as you wish.
Check on how it looks and make any final adjustments, add copyright and
licence information then close off white background layer and add names as required.
I used font Jane Austen with a drop shadow of 2, 2, 55, 4.
Export as png on transparent background.
Thanks for trying this tutorial out.
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