Saturday, September 25, 2021

Coffee Time Exclusive Tutorial by Penny at Venomous Cherries Creations


This tutorial was written by Venomous Cherries Creations on September 15, 2021 exclusively for Artistic Tag Passions blog.
 It was written using PSPX but can easily be done in any photo program.
Please do not copy/post on any other site, claim as your own, or rip apart.
If you would like to use it in a forum/group challenge, please link to the ATP blog.
 This tutorial uses methods/ideas I have gained through the years from various sources.
Any resemblance to others is coincidental and accidental.
Thanks for trying the tutorial and I would love to see anything you make from it.

""Passionate Patisserie" kit by PinkParadox Productions_this kit was made exclusively for Artistic Tag Passions forum and can only be obtained thru the group
Mask Of Choice
Filters Unlimited 2_Photo Aging Kit
DS_Drop Shadow
ANL_Add NEw LAyer
EC_Eye Candy
GG_Gradient Glow
AS_Animation Shop
A/P_Copy and Paste
FF_Flood Fill
Ctrl+A_Select All
Ctrl+E_Paste Into Selected Frame/s
Let's tag!
Open blank 650 x 650 image
Copy/Paste Paper 35 into selection
Apply Mask
Open Element 186
Move towards top of the mask area, placing the main part you want showing
within the mask
Apply same mask again
Repeat apply mask
Place this mask layer towards top right of bottom mask layer as shown
Copy/Paste the following elements, duplicating, mirroring, flipping, sharpening as needed:
123_Rotate Right slightly
171_Place directly above Element 123
Place on Right side directly above Element 23
176_Rotate 90 Right_Mirror_Place on the Left as shown
Mirror_Rotate 90 Right_Place on the bottom Right as shown
Frame 1
Frame 16_Place directly on top of Element 20 as shown
Magic Wand_Select the inside opening_Expand by 3
ANL beneath frame
FF White
FU2_Photo Aging Kit_Hairs & Dust_128_128
Effects_Photo Effects_Sepia Toning_56
Copy/Paste Element 108
Re-size so it fits nicely inside frame
Sharpen each element
DS all elements_0_0_75_15_Black
Add all correct copyright information
Save as png and enjoy!

BCA, Fall & Halloween templates

  Our members made Beautiful Templates as part of our 6th Birthday Bash at our forum.

Thank you Penny & Wendy!

Previews are in JPG format
Templates are in PSD format

Click on the link below the preview to download.



Halloween Word Art

   Our members made Fun Halloween Word Art as part of our 6th Birthday Bash at our forum.

Thank you Belinda, Louise, Penny, Sandy, Shaz, Shel & Wendy!

Word Art is in PNG format.
Just right click and save.








Birthday Word Art

  Our members made Fun Birthday Word Art as part of our 6th Birthday Bash at our forum.

Thank you Belinda, Louise, Penny, Sandy, Shaz, Shel & Wendy!

Word Art is in PNG format.
Just right click and save.








BCA Word Art

 Our members made gorgeous BCA Word Art as part of our 6th Birthday Bash at our forum.

Thank you Belinda, Louise, Penny, Sandy, Shaz, Shel & Wendy!

Word Art is in PNG format.
Just right click and save.








Autumn Word Art

Our members made gorgeous Autumn Word Art as part of a tag contest and our 6th Birthday Bash at our forum.

Thank you Belinda, Louise,  Nancy, Penny, Sandy, Shaz, Shel, Shez & Wendy!

Word Art is in PNG format.
Just right click and save.










Halloween Cluster Frames

  Our members made some gorgeous frames for our 6th annual Birthday Bash.

The theme was Halloween.

Thank you Penny, Sandy, Shaz, Shel & Wendy!

Frames are in PNG format

Right click to download 

Please leave some Passion if you download!






Mixed Cluster Frames

 Our members made some gorgeous frames for our 6th annual Birthday Bash.

The theme was Autumn, Birthday and BCA.

Thank you Gail, Louise, Marilyn, Penny, Sandy, Shaz, Shel & Wendy!

Frames are in PNG format

Right click to download 

Please leave some Passion if you download!







