Our members created beautiful Cluster Frames to share.
Thank you Louise, Marty, Miggins, Penny, Tammy & Wendy!
They used the following kits:
Beach Summer by Tresorsdefleur
Let Freedom Ring by Manipulated by Magik
Salt Therapy Blog Train by Jens Sweet Tempations
Salt Therapy Blog Train by Kathy's PSP Designs
Salt Therapy Blog Train by Myztic Designzz
Salt Therapy Blog Train by 3Tz's DesignZ
Sandy Toes and Salty Kisses by HorsePlay's Pasture Designs
Stars and Stripes by MizTeeque
Downloaded Frames are in PSD format.
Previews are in jpg format.
Click on the link below the preview to download.
Please leave some Passion if you download!